Wedding Traditions

Monday, April 28, 2014


Double -insert jewelry here- ceremony. Both partners wear or exchange each a ring, bracelet, etc. The material type may be subject to the family's wealth, their cultural or spiritual meanings for colors, or even their beliefs of the materials themselves. The women always wear them on the left and the men on the right.

There is always a kiss at the end of the ceremony. It is believed that under a spiritual or sacred ceremony, a couple exchanges their breath by kissing and in this way, part of one's soul becomes trapped in the other, becoming each inseparable as their partner holds a piece of their soul.

Groom and bride are both accompanied to walk up the aisle, with their companions walking a few steps behind them. First, the groom with his best man to his left side and the mother to his right side. Once he is at the altar, the bride then follows with her maid of honor to her left side and her father to her right side. All the men stand at the right side of the altar and the women stand at the left side.


    They exchange earrings (an identical pair, one for each person) instead of rings. The bride wears a woven flower crown and the groom one made of wood sticks and vines. After the ceremony they have a dance (not in partners) with all the guests in which they pass both crowns between everyone. The idea is to pass the flower crown to females only and the vine crown to males only. At the end of the musical piece the persons who end with the crowns are supposed to be the ones to marry next. If the crowns return to the bride and groom at the end of the dance, they're supposed to have bad luck during their married life.


    Called a 'mating mark', some races with fangs (particularly canids and felids) will bite each other on their pulse point hard enough to extract some blood and drink it as a mean to further join their souls together, then nurse the wounds gently with their tongue. This works similar to a blood oath, as both will be drinking their partner's blood and making it a part of themselves. Unlike the kiss at the ceremony, this is usually done privately and may or may not be included as part of the wedding night.


    They exchange metal bracelets (the material depends on the family's wealth) instead of rings. To make their marriages legally binding they carry out a blood oath that involves both of them cutting their right palm open with a ceremonial dagger (the pain represents the hard times they'll have in their married life), then placing their hands together (this represents the desire to go through good and bad times together and be there for each other) with the wounds facing each other as a ceremonial rosary is tied around their joint hands to symbolize their everlasting union. After the couple kiss, the rosary is untied, their hands bandaged and the ceremonial dagger is then given to the husband and the rosary to the wife as keepsakes. Though the ritual is often accompanied by a long ceremony, it can be performed quickly if the need arises. To them, a blood oath performed between members of different genders is equivalent to marriage; but if it's performed between members of the same gender it's then considered a vow of alliance between clans.

    Ihhuitl Tribe

    At age 12, the girls start wearing a white feather (from a bird known as ?/ fantasy species) on a part of their body (usually the hair) to display their avalaibility as marriage candidates. However, they can only marry when they have turned 16 years old and have completed two important tasks of their choice (e.g. usually a quest which may or may not include knitting a fishnet, hunting, becoming warriors, sewing, etc.) which will award them a colored bead each to place with their feather (this is offered by their mothers, guardians or village chief, among others, depending on circumstances). The men propose by catching a colored bird (but not killing or seriously injuring it since birds are sacred to the tribe and doing such will bring them bad luck) and plucking one feather from them. They offer this feather to the girl and she either accepts or declines based on different criteria (even something as simple as not liking the feather's colors). The male can still try again by getting another feather and repeating the proposal, though is it to note that he can be turned down just as many times; because the women can't be forced into marriage. If the female accepts the feather and thus the proposal, then the couple can be married. On the wedding day, the couple places both feathers in a ceremonial basin that must be filled with the most recent rain water, then the groom takes the colored one to place it on the bride's hair, and the bride gives the male the white feather, which he then presses between his palms (as if praying) to make a wish. The kind of wish must be 'spiritual' (e.g. becoming better at something, more understanding, having a happy life together, kids, health, etc.), and it will be truly granted due to the bird's magical traits. Once done, the white feather will 'magically' change colors to resemble the one given to the bride. The bride then places the feather on the groom's hair and they kiss. After the ceremony has ended, they can wear the feather wherever they like (clothes, weapons; doesn't matter as long as they have it on themselves)

Wedding Rings

Also known as wedding bands or 'alliances', they symbolize infinite feelings of love due to its circular shape depicting "a beginning that never ends". They are worn by both partners on the fourth finger: the woman on the left hand, representing the heart (blood, emotions, physical life) as it is located on this side of the body; while the man wears it on the right hand, representing the soul (breath, rational thought, spiritual life) because the bigger lung is located on this side; thus when a couple comes together they portray both aspects of life's essence: the heart feeds the body and the soul feeds the mind.

The rings are crafted in either yellow or white gold as a smooth band with no gemstones attached. Though rare, sometimes the bands are engraved with designs that are significant to the couple; with the inside typically including the name of the partner and/or date of the wedding. Such engravings, however, are often avoided; preferring instead to leave the outer surface as simple as possible: a representation of the purity behind their union.

When promise rings are to be used instead of regular rings, a second 'blessing' must be performed during the ceremony to purify the rings from their magic, even if a promise has already been made willingly once. As a sacred rite, marriage is considered a decision made from the heart of both individuals, thus no magic binds should make it possible after it comes into effect.

Despite the meaning behind them, wedding rings are not legally binding and are used mostly as a material representation that the couple belongs to each other. The best man and the maid of honor (usually the best friends of the couple) have the duty of keeping the ring of each gender respectively, and to produce them at the moment of the exchange during the ceremony.

Promise Rings

They are simple bands of a rose gold color with no engraving whatsoever that are made in a set of two, with gold that has been nourished for years with metal magic (spirit gold), making it reactive to blood or soul casting. As the name implies, the rings are used to make a promise.

Often times, especially among royalty and traditionally for males, the parents of the newborn have a set of rings done for them (in the parents' sizes) that the child will carry in a single chain worn around the neck until he (or she) offers it to his significant other or a person of importance as a promise of commitment of some sort, usually future marriage.

In order to make the promise, each ring must come in contact with either the blood or the soul of both 'pledgers' at the same time (called a blessing); then the 'vows' must be recited aloud, first by the person who proposes and then repeated or replied to by the person accepting. After that, both pledgers enter a binding 'contract', with each ring type having rules that magically forces them to keep their end of the bargain and conditions to make their magic void (thus becoming regular rings).

Regardless of the reasons, promise rings must be used with caution as they are indestructible by physical means and need no direct contact with the pledgers for its magic to be active. Once blessed, the color of the ring will change to a different metallic hue. Depending on the nature of their use, the Promise rings can become:
Contract rings · red
Used for oaths involving servitude. As a rule, the 'master' designates a word to issue a command that the servant will be forced to follow. The rings will lose their magic if the master or servant dies.

Pledge rings · green
Used for oaths involving honor (usually performed between same genders). Both pledgers choose something for themselves that they'll lose if their vow is not kept (e.g. one of their senses, their life)

Call rings · blue
Used to cause the death of one or both pledgers should the promise be broken.

Engagement rings · white gold
Used to propose marriage.

Wedding rings · yellow gold
Engagement rings blessed a second time under the ceremony of marriage. There is no consequence to using these, as once they've been blessed, they lose their magical power.

Void rings · black
Promise rings whose magic has been nullified by force once a condition is fulfilled. Note that is impossible to reuse them should this happen.

Job Grid

Character main classes with its subclasses and the levels for each.


I: Forager
II: Wild crafter
III: Herbalist


I: Stalker
II: Tracker
III: Trapper


I: Stalker
II: Tracker
III: Trapper


A type of connection that exists between two or more persons, where they are related (by a connection of blood, marriage or kinship) or have dealings with each other (friendship, love, work or business)
To the left we have color indicators for the type of relationship a character has with others they have met or are related to.

The segments would look something like this:

Shesta Reinwinds

Cr Claire Clearview RP @ 6,501 © daypoo
A noble miss from the faction of Hearts. Their encounter was unusual in its own way, having place at an abandoned building near the woods of the faction of Diamonds. What Claire doesn't know it's that it used to be the workshop where he learned his trade when young. Shesta finds Claire to be a 'troublesome woman', often wanting to have her way (within reason) and dragging him along for a ride. However, it's also her fiery determination that appeals to him, making it harder for him to say 'No' to her wishes. Their time together has made Shesta aware of his developing feelings for Claire, but he is still unsure and beyond frustrated regarding their true extent.

Points System

* RP stands for Relationship Points.
* [+] are positive reactions, they add RP.
* [-] are negative reactions, they subtract RP.
* Events marked (✩) mean the relationship is now broken.
* Events marked (✩») raise the relationship to the next stage.
* Events marked («✩) lower the relationship to the previous stage.

List of Interactions

[ + ] Interactions
· Talking + 1 RP
· Holding hands + 5 RP
· Hugging + 10 RP
· Flirting + 15 RP
· Cuddling + 20 RP
· Hanging out + 25 RP
· Working together + 30 RP
· Sharing hobbies + 35 RP
· Kiss on the cheek + 40 RP
· Kiss on the forehead + 45 RP
· Kiss on the lips + 50 RP
· Date gone great + 70 RP
· Making out + 80 RP
· Lovemaking + 100 RP

[ - ] Interactions
· Ignoring - 1 RP
· Arguing - 5 RP
· Mild insulting - 10 RP
· Picking on - 15 RP
· Fighting - 20 RP
· Serious insulting - 25 RP
· Forgetting important dates - 30 RP
· Flirting with another - 35 RP
· Stealing their friend - 40 RP
· Pursuing their significant other - 45 RP
· Date gone wrong - 50 RP
· Getting rejected - 70 RP
· Physically injuring - 80 RP
· Taking advantage of - 100 RP

List of Events

[ + ] Events
· Receiving a present + 50 RP
· Receiving a birthday gift + 100 RP
· Confession + 250 RP
· First kiss + 300 RP
· Proposal + 500 RP (✩» Betrothed)
· Marriage + 1,000 RP (✩» Spouse)
· First time + 400 RP
· Pregnancy + 500 RP
· Parenthood + 750 RP

[ - ] Events
· Cheating on significant other - 100 RP
· Cheating on betrothed - 200 RP
· Cheating on spouse - 500 RP
· Breakup - 300 RP (✩)
· Broken engagement - 1,000 RP (✩)
· Divorce - 2,000 RP (✩)


Mortal enemy

RP @ 001 - 500
When someone feels intense hatred towards another, usually for personal reasons, to the point that they want to see them dead and would take matters into their own hands should the opportunity present itself. If they cross paths with this person, chances are that a vicious fight takes place; regardless of location, people or circumstances.


RP @ 501 - 1,000
When two people feel hatred toward each other, with such feelings born because it was not possible to resolve conflicts between them; whether they are about ideals, personal, ethical, or political in nature. In presence of each other they will act with hostility, opposing the other's interests at every turn and starting arguments or fights that intend to cause emotional or physical injury.

Regarded Unpleasantly

RP @ 1,001 - 1,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 1,501 - 2,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 2,001 - 2,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 2,501 - 3,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Reserved Bonds

RP @ 3,001 - 3,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

One-sided Friend

RP @ 3,501 - 4,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 4,001 - 4,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 4,501 - 5,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 5,001 - 5,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Close Friend

RP @ 5,501 - 6,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Best Friend

RP @ 6,001 - 6,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 6,501 - 7,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Unrequited Love

RP @ 7,001 - 7,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Platonic Love

RP @ 7,501 - 8,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 8,001 - 8,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Significant Other

RP @ 8,501 - 9,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phaellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.


RP @ 9,001 - 9,500
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus


RP @ 9,501 - 10,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consequat arcu tellus, nec pretium enim condimentum eget. Vestibulum est ligula, commodo at tortor sollicitudin, mollis luctus erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur rutrum urna nec urna facilisis, eu consectetur nibh hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nisl libero, rhoncus sed purus quis, eleifend posuere lectus. Phasellus vitae placerat arcu, et scelerisque lacus.

Genealogy Abbreviations

List with all the abbreviations for genealogy bonds; some of the terms are not exclusive to family relationships only. Distinctive use of upper and lowercases is important.


m: Male
f: Female


P: Parents
F: Father
M: Mother

SI: Siblings
EB: Elder Brother
YB: Younger Brother
B: Brother
EZ: Elder Sister
YZ: Younger Sister
Z: Sister

C: Children
ES: Elder Son
YS: Younger Son
S: Son
ED: Elder Daughter
YD: Younger Daughter
D: Daughter

ETB: Elder Twin Brother
YTB: Younger Twin Brother
TB: Twin Brother
ETZ: Elder Twin Sister
YTZ: Younger Twin Sister
TZ: Twin Sister
ET: Elder Twin
YT: Younger Twin
T: Twin

Extended family

GGP: Great Grandparents

GGF: Great Grandfather
GGM: Great Grandmother
GGS: Great Grandson
GGD: Great Granddaughter
GGNE: Great Grandnephew
GGNI: Great Grandniece

GP: Grandparents
GF: Grandfather
GM: Grandmother
GU: Granduncle
GA: Grandaunt
GC: Grandchildren
GS: Grandson
GD: Granddaughter
GNE: Grandnephew
GNI: Grandniece

U: Uncle
A: Aunt
NE: Nephew
NI: Niece
CO: Cousin
COm: Male Cousin
COf: Female Cousin

FCO: First Cousin
FCOOR: First Cousin Once Removed
FCOTR: First Cousin Twice Removed
SCO: Second Cousin
SCOOR: Second Cousin Once Removed
SCOTR: Second Cousin Twice Removed
TCO: Third Cousin
TCOOR: Third Cousin Once Removed
TCOTR: Third Cousin Twice Removed

½SI: Half Sibling
½EB: Half Elder Brother
½YB: Half Younger Brother
½B: Half-Brother
½EZ: Half Elder Sister
½YZ: Half Younger Sister
½Z: Half-Sister

¾SI:Three-quarter Sibling
¾EB: Three-quarter Elder Brother
¾YB: Three-quarter Younger Brother
¾B: Three-quarter Brother
¾EZ: Three-quarter Elder Sister
¾YZ: Three-quarter Younger Sister
¾Z: Three-quarter Sister

Family in law

LA: In-law
FLA: Father-in-law
MLA: Mother-in-law
SLA: Son-in-law
DLA: Daughter-in-law
BLA: Brother-in-law
ZLA: Sister-in-law

FGP: Foster Grandparents
FGF: Foster Grandfather
FGM: Foster Grandmother
FP: Foster Parents
FF: Foster Father
FM: Foster Mother
FS: Foster Son
FD: Foster Daughter
SGP: Step-grandparents
SGF: Step-grandfather
SGM: Step-grandmother
SP: Step-parents
SF: Step-father
SM: Step-mother
SU: Step-uncle
SA: Step-aunt
SSI: Step-sibling
SB: Step-brother
SZ: Step-sister
SS: Step-son
SD: Step-daughter

EH: Ex-husband
EW: Ex-wife< Sp: Spouse
H: Husband
W: Wife
Mm: Male Mate
Mf: Female Mate
Fm: Fiancé
Ff: Fiancée
Bf: Boyfriend
Gf: Girlfriend
Cr: Crush
Pl: Platonic Love


BFF: Best Friend
PT: Partner
TT: Tutor
GR: Guardian
PR: Protégée
EM: Employer
EP: Employee


The study of ancestry and families: how they are composed, their lineage and history through time.

The images are charts with key symbols used to build genealogy trees in Family Medicine.
The subjects in the chart are ordered from top (first generation) to bottom (last generation) and from left (older) to right (younger)
    Note: There are many more keys, but it will only be expanded when necessary.



Aevian [?] pl. Aevians

Almae [?]


No entries found.


Cerellya [?]


Drasper [drass-pehr] pl. Draspers
Also referred to as a Dragon in the common tongue.
    · Syel: sky dragons, include the clans of wind and light dragons.
    · Zerua: ground dragons, include the clans of thunder and earth dragons.
    · Lume: underground dragons, include the clans of fire and dark dragons.
    · Mare: sea dragons, include the clans of ice and water dragons.

Drauphemir [draw-phe-meer]


Elf [ĕlf] pl. Elves


No entries found.


No entries found.


Hybrid [hī′brĭd] pl. Hybrids
Also half-breeds. The term 'hybrid' refers to an offspring born of the union of a pure and a human, or two pures from different species. Although some traits are dominant in every species, determining which ones would be inherited by the offspring is not possible until after birth, sometimes even long after childhood. In some cases, breeding it's not possible and though it may be attempted, the result could be catastrophic.


Imithir [ee’-mee-t’heer] pl. Imithirs
A member of a composite race of creatures: part human and part beast. Akin to the appearance of centaurs; they have the head, arms and torso of a human and the lower body and legs of a particular beast. Originally there were several tribes of Imithirs segregated around the world. However, over time the tribes began to grow, traveling close to one another in order to endure the ever-changing environment and in due course, trading the nomad life to settle in small villages, which eventually prospered enough to merge into one metropolis of half-beasts.

Irifeires [ee-ree-feh-ee-res]

Irissidia [?]


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Khaesthel [?]


Leena [lee-nah] pl. Leenas
A priestess of the goddess Almae.


Meerne [meer-neh] pl. Meernes


Nāga [ˈnɑːɡə]  fem. Nāgī  pl. Nāgas
A reptilian creature with the upper body of a human and the tail of a snake.
Nagas have tan to dark skin with hair and scales (in their tail and other sections of their body) that can range from faded to vibrant colors; the latter being a warning of their deadly poison, whereas their eyes have slitted pupils and bright or pale colors, to allow better light reflection during the night as they are active hunters. Though all nagas are capable of spitting poison (the potency depending on their species and age), they may also use their fangs to bite and their tails for constriction. While they 'stand' at the height of a regular human (approx. six feet), the length of their tails (which can grow beyond thirteen feet in length) allow them to raise themselves up by a few feet, either to intimidate foes, get a better view of the area or access someplace high. Nagas are often wary of those that approach them and rarely communicate in languages other than their own. Though they prefer to live in the wild, usually near swamps or in hidden settlements, some may travel into more civilized areas, sometimes even establishing communication with other sentient species, such as humans. Nagas can magically alter their appearance back and forth so that it more closely resembles a human's; losing their body scales, slitted pupils and tails in the transition, but retaining their characteristic ears, fangs and unusual colorings.
    · Nag'Asch: aquatic nagas.
    · Nag'Ere: feather nagas.
    Nag'Lahar: mineral nagas.
    · Nag'Lore: flower nagas.


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Praetego [?]

Pure [pyo͝or] pl. Pures
Also full-breeds. The term 'Pure' is often used to refer to the offspring born of two full-breed parents of the same species. Coincidentally, Sains would be also considered part of this category by definition alone.


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Sain [sah-een] pl. Sains

Seeden [see-den]


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